Friday, August 23, 2013

Insufficient Sleep

It was a hell of a week! I was too tired to post coming back from DC. The city is amazing. With a few hours notice, fourteen friends showed up for dinner and or drinks on Wednesday night after two gruesome work days. I also found a few other old friends along the way! Despite such a short trip I was able to enjoy the Oyster Po Boy at Hanks, the meat board at KBC, a boozy milkshake at the Satellite Room and some shots of Jameson at Duffy's. I just wish it wasn't raining because Andy has a sweet new patio! Bobby even made a guest star appearance from Philly! God I miss DC! Thankfully, I chose water as my late night drink of choice, made the flight on Thursday morning, and got two solid days of work at home.

I'm excited to spend tonight and tomorrow with my Nephew and even got to Build a Bear with him at Easton. Hoping for a quiet weekend because Labor Day will have us back on the East coast for Camp Chimney on the Shenendoah. I love being able to spend time with my DC family. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Taking First

I took a few firsts since the last flight. My good friends were married in Pittsburgh over the weekend and it was my first wedding to mesh Indian and Louisiana cultures and traditions. Super sweet! Timmy wasn't able to join so I shacked up with some friends at the Westin; points, of course! The bride and groom even threw beads from the balcony at Pearle but no skin was exposed by the attendees. Not at the reception anyway! The after party and the after after party were fun too! If I ever get married, there will be a rally patch!

My daughter moved into her Freshman dorm apartment. It's actually more of an apartment and nicer than any dorm I lived in. Times change and now I'm a college parent. It's not my first time feeling old but this is a big one to stomach! I'm learning just to embrace it. Go Bucks!

Finally, I took a free First Class upgrade on my first work trip back to DC since leaving last October. I haven't sent a shout out but hope to find time to connect to a few friends. It's always good to be seated in First Class when your boss is essentially in the back with the luggage!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

India Meets New Orleans!

The title is exciting but it's where I'm going next and unfortunately not where I've been all week. This was a particularly stressful week of work but I thankfully am able to come home early for a few more days with Gladys before heading to Pittsburgh for an undoubtedly fun wedding that will bring an Indian friend and a Louisianan friend together. I'm really looking forward to their culturally diverse wedding and especially the Robot themed Raas-Garba! More about the wedding in the next post.

I haven't had much sleep so there won't likely be Wed or Thu night shenanigans like last weekend. Having our good friend, Gladys, in town has been adventurous! This pic is representative of the foolishness that ensued over the weekend. Yes, that is a pristine 1985 Lincoln that Cynthia climbed up on like she owned it! In reality it belongs to some good friends and was quite fun to roll around in! There may or may not have been classy Tool Box strippers involved?

There was also dancing, of course! We enjoy the Barracks at AWOL! It was a little slow on Friday but that gave these boys room to flail around like frat boys (or girls as the case may be)?

The real weekend dance fun was at the Garage on Saturday night! These two posed all sexy but I got to dance with Andrea Cambern! 

I should be landing soon. Until the next plane ride...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Free Detroit Family

I'm going to start with a mini-rant instead of the normal journal entry. It frustrates me to see people complaining about free apps and services like Facebook or Gmail. They are FREE and you are not contractually bound to keep using them. If you don't like the new Gmail ads, close your account and choose a new service. It's simple. Unless we're paying for something, it is quite difficult to justify complaints about changed layouts and functionality. Now that I've vented here I don't have to delete that friend on FB!

T-shirt display at the Rust Belt Market in Ferndale. I picked up some sweet holiday gifts! I think this might be my next FB profile pic!

So much has happened since the last work trip! Tim and I spent a delightful weekend in Detroit and my baby Agador is running like brand new! We were conflicted on accommodations since everyone was so spread out this year. We considered the amazing Hostel Detroit but it was so far from the venues. I'd always go back the the Book Cadillac but it too was not geographically ideal. The camaraderie of scooter rallying is intensified when there is a rally hotel or at least a few folks stay together. Since this wasn't the case, we put a shout out to Rover friends and had an offer to crash. It was great to spend time with J/J and they have nice guest accommodations. We got to know them better and had fun playing with their 8 month old baby! So much fun! Detroit has some super amazing people! Now I just need to remember to mail that thank you card!


The closing party was at a sick space called Jam Handy on East Grand Boulevard. It's basically an abandoned warehouse that has been used for various purposes over the years. Some dude bought it for pennies a few years back and uses it for events. Eerily quiet on that street filled with abandoned commercial places, no street lights, and downtown looming nearby.  While none of us won the raffle bike, we sure did have fun posing with it! Thanks to JG for this pic! I also took my social media responsibilities seriously and actually tweeted a few pics for the Cutters. This one was from the party. 

We had my Dad's family reunion on Saturday at the farm. Only a few folks showed up but it was quality time. It's quite the contrast from my Mom's family that literally gets together in some way at least once a week. It did remind me to reach out to my cousin in CMH. It's a shame ten months passed before I saw him to say we moved back. My baby girl was stuck in Wooster hospital over night and missed the reunion. She has a pretty gnarly infection from her wisdom teeth extraction. I'll spare the gory details of the doc opening and draining the puss filled pockets. That description alone about makes me want to hurl!

Finally, our friend, EH, from Albuquerque is visiting for a week and a half. He's on his final break before graduating with his economics degree. We missed the Crew match on Saturday due to the hospital issue but did manage to get in quite a bit of weekend fun. I even danced with an old news anchor at the Garage. While we have many mutual friends and used to cross paths quite frequently, I really never got to know her. Memories of my baby girl with her starstruck eyes when the "lady on the news" would show up with our friends was priceless. I do love a local celebrity, especially when they are genuinely nice people! I was sad to see she moved out West before we returned to CMH. 

Time for a little nap. I wasn't supposed to head out until Monday night but responsibility beckoned and I'm a loyal employee so off I go. Hopefully will be able to get back early on Wednesday for some quality time with EH before next weekend's adventures.