Monday, April 29, 2013

Holy Moly Cow Exhausted

That's what my nephew would say after an epic scooter rally weekend! The XYLs and Vulcans (their first rally) sure did sponsor a good time at WKRP13! Timmy rode Ms. V down in the chilly Friday air and rode back in the Sunday rain. I had to borrow a ride from my good friend as Agador is still in the shop. The venues were perfect, we visited friends and family, and fortunately were not involved in either of the unfortunate rally weekend accidents. New riders need to be more careful!

Lets just say I should NOT have booked work travel at 7 AM on the Monday after a rally. I will sleep the moment I board this plane. How will I make it through this day?

Saturday, April 20, 2013


I'm not really sure what a Privateer is. I could probably Google it but they just looked like pirates to me! The party was a mad success. I decided to go home on Saturday for a day of rest after this Baltimore madness. Highlights included Skypeing the party with the Boston Steamers and discovering after hours Baltimore with my good friend, Steve. Rita Jean, my hotel mate, fell out early and some crazy Drag Queen found me a taxi and prevented me from falling out after drinking the "non-alcoholic" punch at the club.

We spent the morning and a long brunch in Fell's Point. There was a privateer festival and we found a most fantastic meal at Waterfront Kitchen. It's a little off the beaten path and didn't have a proper brunch menu, but oh so delicious. I probably needed the substance of a proper entree. I'm not sure an egg would have done today!

Why does my plane need a brake job? This is the second time in two days I've had to get back off a plane for repairs. At least my Gertrude is back in the stable and will be there for me when I get home. If I get home.


This post has to wait. While I doubt he's watching, this work trip will end in Baltimore where a night of debauchery will ensue to celebrate my friend Tom's 40th birthday. I expect 12-16 of my closest DC Chimney's to join me for a secret celebration. Tom has no idea I am enroute. Probably more special will be his family and childhood friends coming from CA and AZ. I am so looking forward to this weekend!

Unfortunately, my plane had a "sluggish" engine. After asking us to get off they proceeded to rip open the engine and "fix" it at the gate. If this is my last post, blame American Airlines!

Monday, April 15, 2013

My mind isn't in it

It is time to head back to Dallas for a full week of work. I am so exhausted from a late night finishing taxes and a busy day in the office. Out of habit, I made it through security and sat down at my normal gate, B33. When you take the same flights repeatedly, you become a creature of habit. 20 minutes before the flight I realized that I was the only one at the gate. We're using B35 least I didn't miss the flight!

On a brighter note, the title finally came through for the new truck. After nearly four months of waiting and the very high possibility of having to turn it back in, it all came together last Friday. They apparently issued the title and the dealer should have picked up my new "Ohio Pride" plates today! Sounds gay but they are really a huge improvement over the neon blue/yellow town and country plates they've issued over the past few years. Now if the dealer can just finish fixing the windshield wiper and get it back to me all will be well. Big things in store this weekend! We'll be helping some friends with their new house and having assorted adventures! I just need to get through this long long busy week!

Back to my running magazine...hopefully some positive stories will take my mind off today's horrible act of terror in Boston. Thankfully my friends appear to all be ok. They are shaken but not physically in the way of harm. This is certainly contributing to my unfocused mind this afternoon.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

She can't be dead?

When you get "the" call and your last Grandparent has gone, you go home early. This is shocking and since I didn't get any sleep last night, maybe I can get a little rest on this flight? It's going to be a long weekend.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Two Great Weeks!

These past two weeks have been fantastic! I started with my new trainer on Friday after returning from a work trip. I was a bit apprehensive as she is relatively inexperienced compared to my last trainers but I'm giving her a shot! Despite now having dual gym memberships, being able to run to Snap instead of packing work clothes, drive out of the way to LA Fitness, and then invariable forget a belt for work, has proven to boost my motivation! The cardio is still slow, but my endurance is up to 9 miles for the last two weekend runs. This May half will be slow but doable. My new trainer told me I have the best lunge form she's seen with a new client. For that, I thank Erwyn. He'd approve of her technique as she regularly humiliates me with jumping jacks. How can I run for hours (literally) but feel like collapsing of the ground like a little baby after 120 seconds of jumping jacks? While the new gym(s) are working out just fine, I sure miss DC, especially now that Bodysmith has expanded into a new full service gym! That place was and always will be my inspiration and confidence booster.

My daughter visited two weekends ago. We had a glorious time filled with all the things we both love. We hung out with friends on Friday night, catching the tail end of the OSU basketball win then enjoyed Kevin Sweeney on piano at Club Diversity. After my morning long run, Saturday was fueled by far too many cups of delicious coffee at the annual North Market Coffee Roast. I expected a tiny taste but it seems all 16? roasters wanted us to have a huge sample. Holy caffeine buzz! Tony joined us for a day of blowing up credit cards at Express and mani/pedi fun at Avalon Nail Salon. Even though we missed the match, my Crew boys beat DC United! By the time we met Dave & Stephanie for dinner at Cap City, I was beat! We kicked off a Sunday Funday with Brian & Kevin at De Novo brunch then my baby girl headed home in the snow. Yes, we still have the white stuff. While this week's waiter experience at Cap City left me a little disappointed, DeNOVO Bistro fully delivered. Considering the food, the service, and the price point, I do not understand why the place doesn't have a line out the door. Perhaps the Columbus Commons location is not ideal but we'll certainly return!

Easter weekend turned out to be just as eventful! A little house party on Friday night came together to entertain family and friends from Fort Wayne, Rochester, DC, Chillicothe, and Rising Sun. What an eclectic group of people and what a fun party. Purple glitter go go boots are rumored to have made an appearance but the evidence has been destroyed! Saturday was chock full of shopping, mostly vintage, and a little day drinking. Two busy days of meetings with the new boss has left me a little tired but very motivated. Grandma is not doing well but we're hopeful she'll start reacting positively to the treatment. She's still battling pneumonia and lung issues after a few months in he hospital and rehab. They have her back in Canton this week. I'm scared.

Time for a nap before we land!