Monday, September 30, 2013

Fresh Breath!

Nobody likes to smell a smoker. That's perhaps the most compelling argument to quit smoking. That, and the slow uncomfortable death while clinging to an oxygen tank. That's also fairly unapealling. My life is pretty great. It isn't perfect, but I certainly can't complain and can think of a million better ways to die. I want to go in a fast car, on two Italian wheels, or on some great adventure. I don't want to die a smokers death so I quit. Again. 

The last blog was filled with attempts to quit and a lot of whiny discussion about it. This time it is a done deal. I signed up weeks ago with a quit smoking program. I have a phone coach. I have a local sponsor who promises I can call her day or night. I have cases of nicotine gum and an e-cig for emergencies. Today is my quit day but I accidentally quit on Saturday. Yes, accidentally. I had a cigarette at 5:30 at the antique market and just haven't picked one up since. 

According to my daily tips, I've done everything I'm supposed to do in preparation. I haven't smoked in the house for 15+ years, the car for at least 9 years, and I quit smoking during the work day a year ago. I don't smoke in the morning, and I don't do most of the other things they tell you to stop before the "quit date."  My objective isn't to dwell on it here or in life. I just want to be done. 

Last Saturday we had a super fun visit to the Frank Lloyd Wright Wilcox house in Springfield. I was exhausted but T wanted a little road trip on our day off together with no plans. We also toured a quite bizarre personal rock garden. Looking forward to more achitectural adventures at the end of October on our long weekend road trip. For now I'm off to Dallas for soon as this delayed flight is ready to go. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I love to skip!

Actually, I do! Picture a 40 year old man skipping down the sidewalk! Seriously though, I'm referring to my last flight. I was far too exhausted after Scoot-A-Que weekend to even pick up my iPhone or iPad to post on the way to Dallas. I'm now on the return flight home. Super excited to check out the Flatiron Bar & Diner tonight to celebrate T's 42nd birthday. Work obligations, mine and his, prevented any celebration on his actual birthday earlier in the week.

Here's a pic from the Saturday lunch provided by @MyPiada, the presenting Scoot-A-Que sponsor. Their Bexely location has a fantastic parking lot for all the scoots and their generous sponsorship for the second year in a row was greatly appreciated. You'll frequently find the Columbus Cutters in line at one of their many locations!

I won't recap all of the week's events but one of the highlights was the fourth annual Corsette! We hosted two of the riders and I was pleased to find time to both send them off on Thursday morning and welcome them back Friday afternoon. Eight women started, six women finished, and the top three places went to first time riders! I was given (temporary) ownership of a winner's tiara for this shot with the top two!

We had houseguests from two states and the District of Columbia and visitors from two others over the weekend. The actual rally had people from at least 10 different states. It was awesome, as usual! Can't wait for #17!

I finished the weekend in the Emergency Room on Sunday night. While I actually sliced up my leg on Sunday morning, there was too much going on to stop for medical attention until the full day of socialization and tearful goodbyes was done. The ER doc couldn't understand why anyone from German Village would go to Whitehall for dinner. He apparently hasn't tried the Pho from Indochine Cafe! I love when we find a hidden gem. 

Time to shut down for departure! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dallas Pride!

Three long work days and then I got to see my BFF. He rolled into town with three peeps from Austin. We started with a respectable dinner at Dish and the night went downhill from a good way! We passed through JR's, Zippers, witnessed a foam party at BJ's NXS, and ended the night at the Eagle. A solid effort!

I missed Saturday brunch but caught up with the boys at the W Hotel for Dick's "Get Wet" pool party. It was a little awkward to check in on FB but I can't help the host's name. It only sounds bad!

Saturday afternoon included a late lunch at Hunky's, an over-priced shopping stop at ES Collection, a long nap, and then dinner at Thairriffic. The name is not representative of the food or the service. That's a restaurant that simply doesn't know how to staff for Pride weekend, or really any Saturday night for that matter. Fortunately we were exhausted and didn't mind a quiet two+ hour wait for a simple meal in a virtually dead restaurant. A few quick cocktails at Woody's and we were all off to bed. 

I walked around Cedar Springs this morning to see all the lesbians tailgating for the Pride Parade. They seem to come out early and in force. Took a sweaty walk to uptown where I met the last two remaining Austin friends and a Dallas friend for brunch a Common Table. It was brilliantly done! The grilled cheese was to die for! We took a taxi back to gayville and watched a few hours of the parade. It was hot as balls. Lots of horses, lots of cowboy hats, and one dude taking a bath in a tub in the back of a vintage truck. Interesting but too hot to watch the whole thing. 

I tried to catch an earlier flight but it was sold out. The people on my flight will be pleased the Admirals Club has showers; the sweat needed to go! A clean outfit, a sandwich, and few glasses of the free wine should set me up for a good nap home! It was a superb weekend and only would have been better if T was here too. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Too many things!

We must never forget 9/11. I stole this pic from my friend Holly.
Once again, so many things have happened since the last post. 

I always love when my Sister and Nephew come down. Two weekends ago was particularly fun as we met at Easton after work on Friday and then went to Build-A-Bear. I assumed that place would be expensive like the American Girl madness but was pleased they offered a wide range of options. It was hard not to upgrade to the beating heart but he loved the build just the same. Apparently you can build more than bears! His fluffy puppy is named, "Cloud," but I called it Mr. C! On Saturday we got a personal tour of Columbus Station 14! It's the Elvis themed station. Our visit was made better by the fire pole demonstration and the fact they had to zip away on an actual run. That night we went back to Build-a-Bear too buy a firefighter outfit for Mr. C. A great weekend overall!

Labor Day weekend we went to Bentonville, VA for Camp Chimney! I sure do miss my DC friends and it was fabulous to catch up with them in such a casual and relaxed environment. The weather was great except for a little rain the last night. While others scrambled for ponchos, T and I decided to head to bed early. I was grateful we were well rested for the drive home on Monday! Seven years of camping with our tiny 3 person tent and it finally gave out. The screens have been a little stretched for the last few trips so it was a relief when a pole snapped. The decision was made and we could plan a new tent. 

This past weekend we ventured to Harrison for one night to visit T's Mom. She finally got her new house finished and moved in. It's super nice! His sister also bought a new house. The 50s charm impressed me. The best part of the trip was a stop at REI. I can't believe we don't have one in the Bus. I can't wait for the next camping trip as we can actually stand up in the Hobitat! We also tricked it out with a bunch of options! Stay tuned!

Finally, this work trip was delayed a day because of the #USAvMEX match! Our win secured us a spot on Brazil and the #DosACero tradition continues as we beat them two to one again! It was a good time tailgating, people watching, and most importantly, winning! Off to D where I'll work for three days and then stay for Dallas Pride! My BFF is headed up from Austin with a posse so it should be a great weekend!