Thursday, March 21, 2013

Welcome to 36,000 feet!

The pilot just mentioned we're five minutes ahead of schedule and somehow that is the most exciting part of the day. It has been 13+ months since I last blogged. Looking back at insidethedistrict, it is clear that life has changed. There were too many posts about trying to quit smoking, seeing how many bars we could hit in a day, fighting the bulge, and the general foolishness of living in the District of Columbia. Yes, I'm still trying to quit smoking, yes I still run around with my friends like we're 22, yes I'm still trying to get into perfect shape for my pending big-0 birthday, but life today has a different pace. You might think moving to Ohio would have slowed me down, but quite the contrary, things are faster than ever. It is just a different kind of fast.

Blogging is hard. It takes time to write what you expect people want to read. It actually takes precious time to write anything more than 148 characters. I've decided to name this new chapter, "Just Plane Jay." I will only be blogging when I'm going somewhere and have ample time to say something. Generally going somewhere involves an airplane but I will hopefully add other creative posts from the road. You're likely asking if this might be a travel blog? Far from it. Most of my travels are plain and boring. Nobody wants to hear about Dallas. I will write about life. This is my virtual journal and it's really here for me. There are a few blanks to fill in since the last blog went by the wayside and there are still Chimney moments to capture. Of course, I may never post again.

If you want to know what I'm thinking today, check the Twitter account. Call, text, FaceTime, Skype, or IM me for instant contact. If you want to see an image of the moment, check Instagram. Snapchat is there for you to send me an image of the moment! If you want to see how my family is doing or peruse the latest vacation photos, swing by Facebook. If you want to know where I'm drinking or dining, click on Foursquare. Ask Yelp if I loved or hated it and you might find my review. Pinterist will show what I want to buy or do next. LinkedIn has my resume if you're curious how the bills get paid. MapMyRun will tell you how many miles I ran this week or if I went to the gym. Do I have a new tattoo? CheckOutMyInk should have the latest details. Will I be checking in on any of those places? Who knows? What will be the social media app of choice next week? I'll probably try whatever it is; I tried Google+. The point is, there are a million places to track my life but it's only the old blog and Facebook that I revisit. I need a journal.

Blogging isn't fashionable. Nobody does a personal blog in 2013. With the demise of Google Reader, I'm not even sure how people will check their RSS feeds? Unless I link this somewhere else in my digital life, it may go unnoticed. Such is life. Tonight I'm stoked to land and rush to the next Scootaque planning session. That will truly be the most exciting part of my day. I do love my scooter peeps! That and proximity to family make living in Ohio worthwhile. Later, in hour 15 of this day, I will finally arrive home where my boo has promised a hot meal. Life is good.

Until the next trip - J

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